Welcome to Hamsterley Parish Council
Who we are and what we do...
Hamsterley Parish Council has general responsibility for all matters relating to Hamsterley and its residents, where they are not the responsibility of the unitary authority Durham County Council. In particular the Council is responsible for the maintenance and tidiness of the Village Greens and pond, of which the Parish is the registered owner under the Commons Registration Act 1965. In other matters the Council seeks to represent the views of the parish to other persons and bodies, and is answerable to the local community.
The Council is elected by a public vote every 4 years. At such time all Councillors must stand for re-election, and any member of the Parish may stand for office at this time. Elected members of the Council are currently:
Dominic Bayne - Chair
Jane Bee -Vice Chair
Ronnie Maughan
Julia Hunter
Sue Heslop
Nigel Whitfield
Helen Kirby
What we spend and how we spend it...
The precept raised £4,600 in the financial year 2020/21, about 40% of our income is for the wages of the clerk of the council; 30% is spent on grass cutting, which is the only significant external expenditure, carried out by a local contractor; 6% on insurance.. The balance is spent on a wide variety of small items.
The Council Responsible Financial Officer is the Clerk
What are priorities are and how we are doing...
The Council seeks to preserve and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Hamsterley. This involves ensuring that the physical environment is maintained, and that every opportunity is taken to improve the social fabric of the village.
There is an annual meeting of the Council, to which the public are invited. Minutes are produced and published. In addition, there are about 6 meetings spread throughout the year all of which the public may attend.