Hamsterley Parish Council has been established for about 100 years. There are around 400 residents on the electoral register. The village benefits from a Public House - the Cross Keys, a Social Club, a Village Hall, Church of England, Methodist and Baptist churches, and a Primary School. There are currently around 3o pupils attending the school. The Village Hall is a thriving institution, accommodating a large number of organised social activities, and is in use most evenings as well as during the day.
For recreation there is a pair of tennis courts, with active plans to have these refurbished, there is an active social club, and the village benefits from extensive greens where children often play. There is also the Millennium Garden adjacent to the Methodist Church, which is for the enjoyment of the whole village. Durham County Council is responsible for maintenance and management of the cemetery adjacent to St James Parish Church. The Baptist church maintains its own churchyard, while the Methodist Church does not have one. The Parish Council pays for the grass to be cut on the green. The nearest towns are Bishop Auckland (7 miles) and Barnard Castle (11 miles). Unfortunately, there is no longer a bus service.